Vitamins For Eyes  

Vitamins for Eyes - Vitamin “A” is the most famous and most important of the B vitamins, which ensures proper operation of the retina.

Because it plays a critical role in the retina gets its name - “retinol” (retina - the retina). Found in carrots, cod liver oil, apricots, tomatoes, sunflower seeds, fruits of mountain ash destroyed by heat and light.

Vitamin “C” - is needed to maintain muscle tone eyes. Contained in red and green peppers, cabbages, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, apples, black currants, fruits of mountain ash and hips. Soluble in water, is sensitive to heat.

Vitamin “B1” (thiamine) - regulates the activity of the nervous tissue. Foods rich in them that the liver, nuts, yeast, meat, all kinds of vegetables, honey, kidney.

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Vitamin “B2” (riboflavin) - improves oxygen consumption by cells. Products containing vitamin “B2” - is wheat grains, apples, shivering, green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin “B6” - acts as a natural tranquilizer, it sprouts contain corn, egg yolk, fish sensitive to heat.

Vitamin “B12” (coalman, cyanocobalamin) - provides normal blood circulation. Found in grapes, blueberries, prunes, parsley, dates, apricots, seaweed, eggs, milk and dairy products.

Incompatible with Vitamin ‘C’, resistant to heat, the simultaneous use of these vitamins interferes with the absorption of each other.

Vitamin «D» - lack of this vitamin can cause the development of myopia. It can be found in foods such as liver, fish, seafood, parsley, horsetail, nettle, meat, eggs, dairy products, and fish destroyed by exposure to light, but resistant to heat.


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