Treatment Of Eye Diseases By Aljaboranda Plant!  

The most common symptoms of glaucoma are open angle visible loss of the outer part of the peripheral field of vision or a significant decrease in night vision or the ability of the eye to adapt to darkness. The vision of Foreign Affairs is the ability to see outside corner of the eye.

The loss of that ability to see outside corner of the eye. The loss of that ability of the individual leaves room for vision-like look inside the tunnel.

Other symptoms include headaches that can arise from chronic low-grade and the need for frequent replacement of glasses and seeing halos surrounding the incandescent light bulbs.

Marjoram blue waters of the most important causes of nerve pressure and food problems. Has been linked to problems with collagen, the most prevalent protein in the body and the blue waters of working to increase the strength and elasticity of body tissues, especially the tissues of the eye.

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And contributes to abnormalities of collagen and oxygen in the back of the eye in filling the tissue through which normally drain the fluid inside the eye, resulting in a high pressure inside the eye, which leads to a blue water and the loss of sight, which is linked to it.

Often accompanies cases characterized by the occurrence of errors in the metabolism of collagen disorders of the eye.

Herbal medicine as a treatment for the disease blue waters: There are a number of herbal medicines have a significant role in the treatment of blue water is the most important of these herbs include:

1 Alejandra Jacaranda: a perennial plant part used leaflets him. Since 1648, noted Therapists nature of the Spaniards to the herb’s ability to treat eye diseases.


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Plant Aljaboranda Treatment Of Eye Diseases

5 Alarcon Eyebright: an herb creepy. Part used aerial parts of it contain Alarcon Gelokozydat acids and tannins and volatile oil and phenolic acid. Used to flatten the mucous membranes of the eye, and it seems it relieves inflammation... Continue →