Points That Can Damage Eyesight  

Points must be chosen on the face shape - This is far from the incorrect statement, which gives many information sources. When selecting the points necessary to consider a number of criteria such as:
•    Visual acuity - with large lens diopters stand not all frames.
•    Assigning points - in other words for which you points (read, look into the distance for continuous wear)
•    Your own opinion - one of the main criteria, you may be advised to trendy sunglasses, but first and foremost they have to like you and you owe it to ourselves to please them.

Points can damage eyesight - A very common misconception, based on ignorance of the principle points and anatomist - physiological characteristics of the eye.

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Points do not strengthen or weaken vision goggles allow rays passing through a refractive apparatus of the eye, refracted in the right direction, allowing them to focus at a single point on the retina, so you can see, just as they should.

Points are addictive - This assertion lacks refinements, which are addictive cause glasses. And they cause addiction to see the world clearly.

I need glasses because I have a headache - One of the most ridiculous myths that could be invented. If you have a headache, it means that you have a headache and nothing more.

Head may ache for various reasons; it may be stress, worries, chronic sleep deprivation, fatigue, chronic fatigue, migraines, etc.


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Important Vitamin Complexes For Eyes

Vitamin “E” - is an antioxidant, helps to eliminate harmful substances from the body, and reduces the risk of developing cataracts. Found in nuts, spinach, sunflower and butter, milk. Vitamins for the eyes play a crucial role and must be... Continue →