Eyes Are The Mirror Of The Soul  

Because of the need for glasses headache is extremely rare and that only people with hyperopia and attention here! When they have long considered something close to or read without glasses.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul and not only. They, in fact, are the display health of our body. Restore My Vision Today Review Scam described several diseases that can be diagnosed examining eyes, namely the eye bottom.

Diabetes - It can cause drastic changes in vision, making it impossible to close vision. Together with a strong thirst and frequent urination vision problems may indicate diabetes.

High blood pressure - Ophthalmologists diagnose hypertension on occupancy retinal blood vessels.

Autoimmune disease - Patients with syndrome often suffer dry eye syndrome as autoimmune processes affect the tear ducts.

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Multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis can lead to inflammation of the optic nerve. Sometimes the first sign of multiple sclerosis is blurred vision or blindness.

High cholesterol - Ophthalmologists may notice accumulation of cholesterol in the cornea. This indicates an unimaginably high level of cholesterol in the blood.

Blood clotting - Ophthalmologist from Atlanta notes that blood clotting lead to swelling of the optic nerve.

Doctors recommend once a year to visit an ophthalmologist for sight preservation and prevention of other diseases.

Astigmatism has always been considered quite difficult disease and one of the most common causes of low vision.

Experts distinguish corneal astigmatism and lenticular, but the influence of corneal astigmatism on vision more than the lens, since the cornea has a greater refractive power.


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